Overcoming Depression: 9 Step Guide to Fight the depression

Overcoming Depression: 9 Step Guide to Fight the depression

In the realm of the human psyche, a prevailing shadow known as depression casts its gloom, particularly among the urban denizens, and overcoming depression, is the need of the hour. The prevalence rate of depression among young urban adults between 18-29 years old in the United States is three-folds higher than the prevalence in individuals aged 60 years or older (American Psychiatric Association, DSM-5-TR, 2022, 188-189). 

According to a report of India Today, India has become the world’s most depressed country. Based on a study conducted by WHO for National Care of Medical Health (NCMH), they found that at least 6.5% of Indians suffer from some form of serious mental disorder. They also found that on average approximately 11% individuals out of 100,000 people, commit suicide and most of them are below the age of 44 (India Today, 2019).

Therefore, it is utmost necessary to address this issue with accurate information and with the help of science. Thus, let us embark on a nuanced exploration, dissecting the intricacies of the mind to unravel the means of rising above the somber depths of depression.

I. Understanding the Abyss: The Depths of Depression

In delving into the abyss of depression, one must grasp its multifaceted nature. Depression, a melancholic tapestry woven within the recesses of the mind, manifests in diverse forms, from pervasive sadness to the erosion of one’s zest for life. In this section, we shall endeavor to delineate the nuanced manifestations and delve into the psyche’s labyrinth.

The key marker of depression, which is also helpful to separate it from the grief is persistent depressed mood and a lowered ability to experience pleasure, whereas in grief or bereavement, the feelings of sadness and emptiness take the center stage (DSM-5-TR, 2022).

The DSM-5-TR states that based on the personal history of an individual and the cultural context within which one lives, to diagnose someone with depression, one needs to show at least 5 of the 9 following symptoms for at least 2 weeks.

A fair bit of warning here, do not self diagnose yourself based on this article, diagnosis of any mental disorder should only be done by a clinically trained mental health professional. If you think that you can relate to the following symptoms, and are in a need for help, kindly contact a nearest mental health professional, remember, there’s no shame in accepting that we need help. It is okay to not be okay!

The signs of Depression:

  1. If you are experiencing at least 5 of the following signs for the last two or more weeks, without a single day of break from these symptoms, and as characterized by either or both (i) depressed mood or (ii) loss of interest or pleasure. The chances are, you might be going through a depressive episode.
    1. Your mood is depressed for most of the day, nearly everyday, characterized by feelings of emptiness, sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness, or observations made by others such as appearing teary, sad, etc.
    2. You have lost all interest in the activities that you used to like, and find pleasurable, for example, your hobbies.
    3. You have lost or gained significant weight (at least 5% of the original weight) without dieting or vigorous exercises or there is a decrease or increase in your regular appetite.
    4. Either you can not sleep at all and find it difficult to stay asleep, or you start sleeping too much, and you wake up feeling tired.
    5. You feel restless or being slowed down. You don’t even feel like getting out of your bed and doing your work.
    6. You easily get tired and feel that your energy has been drained out and there’s nothing left in the reserve.
    7. You feel worthless, or have excessive or inappropriate guilt about anything, which oftentimes could be delusional.
    8. You can not think straight and properly. You feel that you have lost your ability to focus on a task, or you simply can not make a decision and indecisiveness has paralyzed you.
    9. There are recurrent thoughts or ideations or planning to commit suicide. This is the most dangerous stage. In case you are experiencing this, drop everything and straight away visit a mental health professional, or talk to our expert.

Source: APA, DSM-5-TR, 2022, p. 184

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is highly recommended that you seek help as soon as possible.

II. Breaking the Chains: Dispelling the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

The stigma enveloping mental health is akin to chains restraining one’s journey towards recovery. By engaging in open discourse, urban individuals can shatter these shackles. Personal anecdotes abound in illustrating the transformative power of breaking the silence. I myself, as a young adult, liberated myself from this vicious cycle of self sabotage and depression by openly talking about it with my friends, family members and my THERAPIST. Yes, we too need therapists.

Seeking help is a sign of strength and not a weakness. If you wish to have an open conversation about your mental health, or any other related issue that you are facing, join us on our social media platforms and be a part of a daring community which focuses on breaking the stigma on mental health. 

III. Seeking the Sage: The Profound Impact of Professional Guidance

Seeking professional support from a mental health professional, is a step towards betterment. In our society, this behavior is looked down upon, which is the biggest roadblock in our growth.

The therapeutic alliance between a therapist and you is a paramount towards your growth and recovery. The humanistics schools of psychotherapy claim that every human being has a potential for growth and to become the best version of himself or herself.

Therapists, despite their school of practice, emphasize three key principles, as we call them in our profession, Rogerian Principles. They are, (a) Unconditional Positive regard, (b) Accurate Empathy, and last but not least (c) Congruence.

A detailed explanation of these three principles we will explore in the coming articles, but for now, be assured that these three key principles make up the foundation of the therapeutic alliance, which will assist you in your growth and recovery from depression.

IV. Weaving a Safety Net: The Importance of Building a Support System

A human being is a social animal, this is not just a well known saying, it is the truth about us humans, just like Gravity.

In the intricate tapestry of human connection, weaving a safety net is paramount. Your friends, family members, your partner, confidants, all of these people are your first line of defense against anything, so it is true for your mental health. The members of your immediate circle are known to have an effect on your personality, thinking patterns, behavior and quite subtly, your body language.

Having an open discussion with them about your mental health and your issues, will relieve you of the burden and baggage you have been carrying alone. Your social support will not only be there for your physical needs, but also emotional and psychological needs as well. 

But for that, you need to have a rich social circle, not by the quantity but by the quality.

V. Mind and Body Harmonized: Holistic Lifestyle Changes

The corporeal vessel and the psyche dance in harmonious tandem. By acknowledging the intimate connection between lifestyle choices and mental health, individuals can orchestrate a symphony of well-being. Freud’s assertions on the symbiosis between the mind and body find resonance in advocating for a balanced diet, regular exercise, and restful sleep.

Apart from that, many studies in the field of physical education and exercise science point towards many psychological benefits of exercise.

When we exercise, our body releases dopamine and many other neurotransmitters which makes us feel good. Thus having a good workout schedule and a discipline of regular exercise for 45 minutes is a must.

VI. The Alchemy of Goals: Setting Realistic Milestones

Goal setting is one of the most crucial and important aspects of both personal and professional life. There are many goal setting techniques out there on the internet, but most of these are based on a age old technique called SMART goal setting, where each syllable in the term stands for a meaning of its own.

  • S: Specific
  • M: Measurable
  • A: Achievable
  • R: Relevant
  • T: Time bound

Each goal you set, should be specific, for example, if you say, “I want to lose my weight”, this goal lacks the specificity, instead, a more specific goal would be like, “I want to lose 10 kgs of my weight”.

Then you draw a baseline to your goal as to have some reference, from which you can measure your progress. In the above example of losing weight, say you currently weigh 72 kgs, then each week you will objectively measure your progress, such as, “this week I lost 1.5 kgs”.

Setting a goal is never enough, your goals should be realistic and achievable. Exploring on the same line, a more achievable goal would be to lose 10 kgs of weight in 1 year, instead of an unrealistic and non-achievable goal such as to lose 10 kgs of weight in 2 months. If you are setting such types of highly unrealistic goals, you are setting yourself for failure and you will end up feeling bad for yourself.

VII. The Elixir of Joy: Engaging in Enjoyable Pursuits

One of the most prominent signs of depression is loss of interest in pleasurable activities, as I have already mentioned above, and tackling this, is the most crucial element in the recovery from the depression. Many therapists recommend to start doing things that you used to enjoy, such as your hobbies.

When I was undergoing therapy, my therapist asked me what was the only thing that would give me joy and happiness if I had to do that for the rest of my life, and I chose Boxing. Not that I was any good at it, but it gave me joy, punching that boxing bag, and training to fight, gave me a lot of confidence and in a way empowered me.

Thus, it is very important for you to find out what you love to do, and just do it. Ask yourself the same question my therapist had asked me, “What is the one thing that by doing it, will make you feel happy? And you would do this for the rest of your life?”

VIII. Unmasking Technological Shadows: Mindful Technology Use

The 21st century has become nothing more than an era of screens. Everywhere you go, you will find yourself looking at a screen. In fact, you are reading this article right here on your mobile or desktop or tablet screens.

The crux of the matter is, you are surrounded by the screens. A healthy balance between your digital life and social life would actually boost your recovery. It is a well established fact that use of the digital devices during night time severely impacts your sleep cycle and thus it negatively impacts your recovery from depression.

A word to the wise, limit your screen exposure, go out in the REAL world. Meet new people, or just sit by yourself and surround yourself with the soothing sound of ocean waves at a beach, or the calming sound of birds chirping in a garden.

IX. Phoenix Rising: Cultivating Resilience

I am sure you must have heard about the legend of the bird Phoenix, mostly from the Harry Potter series. The phoenix is a mythological bird which is born from the ashes. There is no other analogy I can think of to explore in this segment.

Resilience is our ability to bounce back after a tragic incident. My college professor, Mr. Sankpal sir always used to say that a human being should be like a spring, whenever there is a pressure, the spring compresses and stores energy in itself and as soon as the pressure is relieved, it “bounces” back. 

However, I like to think of resilience more in terms of a rubber band than the spring. Most situations in our lives tend to pull us from both ends, as one would stretch a rubber band. But it can only stretch to a certain extent and beyond that, it breaks. Something similar happens to us human beings, too. There is only a certain limit to which we can bear something, beyond that, we might break. In such situations, seeking professional help is highly recommended. This will reinforce your “mental rubber band” and thus help you stretch more without breaking.

Conclusion: The Triumph of Overcoming Depression

To sum up, I would just say, follow a healthy lifestyle, identify the signs of depression as soon as possible, and do not shy away from seeking professional help. Remember, this article does not serve as an alternative to therapy, but it is rather, a mere attempt to educate you about the concept of depression and how you can deal with it.

And click here to read about our latest blog on Guide to teenage to relationships.


  1. American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5-TR. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
  2. India Today. (2019, November 01). India is the most depressed country in the world. India Today. https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/gk-current-affairs/story/india-is-the-most-depressed-country-in-the-world-mental-health-day-2018-1360096-2018-10-10

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