Importance of Mental Health

Particularly concerning mental health, many individuals often grapple with the query of whether mental health implies being incapable from a mental perspective.

However, in today’s fast-paced world, it must be acknowledged that maintaining mental well-being has become a challenge for everyone, irrespective of their background. Increasing competition, unemployment, challenges in relationships, addictions, education, social and economic issues, and various other factors frequently bring difficulties or problems into people’s lives.

Nevertheless, the real question is whether I have a mental illness or if I am aware of mental issues. If I need to know this, then how do I go about it?

Many times, we casually say, “Today, I felt stressed… Today, I don’t know what’s happening!” During such times of these issues, developing the skill to navigate towards addressing them may be lacking in us. Or, the issues may not even be recognized. However, we can say that, at some point, we might be facing mental health challenges.

Now, when we become aware of mental health issues, the first thing we need to do is to acknowledge the problem. Or, we should make an effort to find solutions through other means. Now, when a person says that anger will lead to frustration, worry will lead to tension, and tension will lead to irritability, are all these true? Even though they might be true, there is a limit to it, right? And, going beyond that limit, expressing it, and not getting positive results from it might indicate that we are dealing with mental health issues. Recognize this.

Now, while understanding mental health, the mental well-being of the family is also crucial. When we say family, it includes the integration of various individuals, large and small. Previously, there used to be a united family system. Along with that, the lifestyle at that time was different. As a result, people did not have to face many mental health issues. But nowadays, due to increasing competition, economic burdens, and changing lifestyles, people often have to face stress and tension related to their surroundings or events happening around them, which leads to a decline in mental health. Recognize this.

To promote mental health awareness, the government is making efforts to implement various schemes and plans. Along with this, creating public awareness is being done. However, the extent to which this awareness benefits society is questionable. Even now, many people do not have information about mental health.

When you become aware of mental issues or face challenges, it is essential to seek help from someone. Should these questions be discussed with someone? Or should these questions be avoided, and if yes, how? These questions often linger in people’s minds.

The first thing to do if you realize such problems is to determine how long these issues have been within you. This needs to be investigated first. Along with that, determine the intensity of these issues. And due to these problems, if you are facing difficulties in leading a normal life, it is essential to seek help. Seek advice from a qualified mental health professional (psychiatrist) along with discussions with counselors. Mental health professionals will help you understand the root cause of these problems from the beginning and guide you on appropriate ways to address them.

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