4 Ways to Improve Your Academic Performance in 2023-24

Schools are now reopening and slowly we are shifting to our old ways of classroom teaching. Due to nearly two years of online education and MCQ types of tests, students particularly middle school children are finding difficulties to cope up with the coming change! Here are 4 ways you that will help you to better adjust in the coming academic year and improve your overall academic performance.

1. Why do you forget things? The Forgetting Curve

Herman Ebbinghaus (1885-1913) is the guy to study the science of forgetting. He used himself as the sole subject for the experiment and recorded his observations. Based upon that data, he came up with the famous Forgetting Curve.

He used a technique called Saving Method to measure the rate of forgetting. In his experiments he found, the rate of forgetting was rapid in the first hour of learning but then slowed considerably after many trails.

Now enough with the science, let’s come back to the main objective, how can we use this for our advantage?

 The answer is quite simple actually. All you have to do is to create a calendar to revise the materials you have learnt over a specific interval. Make sure to increase the duration between each interval in order to strengthen the memory of the material.

For example, if you learn something at say 11 o’ clock, then revise it after 21 minutes, then after 3 days, followed by 7 days and then 21 days and so on. If you follow this technique, you will never forget the things you have learnt for your entire academic year.

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